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What our customers say
I'm glad that my young son attends Datorium where he started to realize what coding is all about. He is even considering coding as a profession in the future. He likes the tutor and so enjoys Datorium lessons.
Vita ZaļkalnaIvar's parent
My son Bruno takes Datorium coding lessons very seriously. He always makes sure that we make it home on time - there is no way, he could miss his online lesson! ...otherwise I will get in trouble 🙂
Inga VasiljevaBruno's parent
“At Datorium I learn coding for the first year. It is fun and the tutor explains in simple language things that seem very complicated. But then doing that all together and everything works!"
EmīlsDatorium Student
“Progress over a few months is impressive thanks to a serious curriculum and tutor experience. I like that my son enjoys Datorium lessons."
Natalia LaschovaKiril's Parent
“We like that the tutor is explaining in the language of youth! Students do not play at Datorium, but develop quite serious applications."
Arnis HeinrihsonsKrista's Parent
Our daughter is good at coding and despite the stereotype that it is still a male profession, we have decided to pursue further education in this area. Daughter is very happy with Datorium lessons.
Sanita Koklīte-ĀdmineAnnika's Parent
My teen has an in-depth interest in programming. I support it because I believe that programming lessons develop logical thinking as well. My son says - Datorium lessons are engaging!
Signe RostokaKalvis Oliver's Parent
My son Maxim, 17, is excited that Datorium lessons are run by professional programmers with serious experience. The classes are very practical and the tutors encourage and motivate the young students.
Kristina SunepaMaxim's Parent
I am convinced that the knowledge and skills acquired at the European Coding School Datorium will help my son in the future, regardless of his profession.
Marine KrasovskaDaniil's Parent
I really like that my teen is happy with the tutor, who is able to teach interestingly and explain individually if they do not understand something. Thank you for the time you spend with my son!
Māra Gaila-GailīteNikola's Parent
Before choosing a course, my daughter (17 years) considered various options and Datorium was the only attractive one for her age group. It is very likely that coding will be her future profession as well.