Students from Jūrmala State Gymnasium Win Digital Education Hackathon DigiEduHack 2024 and Qualify for Global Finals

Watch the winning team’s video pitch here:

The DigiEduHack 2024 hackathon, organized by  Datorium, has concluded successfully. This event brought together 178 students from 14 schools across Latvia to inspire creative educational solutions that motivate learners and foster engagement in education.

The winning team, composed of 12th-grade students from Jūrmala State Gymnasium – Elgars Cerbulis, Matīss Meiers, Raivo Lenerts, Ralfs Topolovs, and Matīss Būmanis – impressed the judges with their innovative creation: an interactive widget for the popular school management system  E-klase. This widget enables students to view their latest grades and homework directly on their phone’s lock screen. Additionally, it gamifies learning by allowing students to earn points for good grades and compete with peers on a leaderboard.

“It is very important to encourage young people to reflect on the future of education in the digital age, and hackathons are a great way of doing it. Students are destined to become the visionaries and architects of future educational policies and reforms. Their insights and creativity will lay the foundation for innovative changes in learning,” said Angela Jafarova, Latvian DigiEduHack ambassador.

DigiEduHack is a global initiative under the European Commission’s Digital Education Action Plan (2021–2027) (Learnmore here). This framework promotes high-quality, inclusive, and accessible digital education across Europe, addressing digital divides and preparing education systems for the future. The hackathon emphasizes the importance of empowering youth to contribute to advancements in education, underscoring the belief that young people, with their fresh perspectives and bold ideas, are uniquely equipped to develop solutions for the modern digital age.

Datorium is an innovative Latvian EdTech company that has developed and implemented technology-driven educational solutions in over 100 public schools across Latvia. Through its initiatives, approximately 10,000 students have gained effective training, equipping the next generation with future-ready skills and knowledge.

For more information, visit:

Participating Schools:

  • Bauskas 2. vidusskola
  • J.G. Herdera Rīgas Grīziņkalna vidusskola
  • Jelgavas Tehnoloģiju vidusskola
  • Jūrmalas Valsts ģimnāzija
  • Ķeguma vidusskola
  • Olaines 1. vidusskola
  • Olaines 2. vidusskola
  • Rīgas 6. vidusskola
  • Rīgas 71. vidusskola
  • Rīgas 89. vidusskola
  • Rīgas 95. vidusskola
  • Rīgas Valsts vācu ģimnāzija
  • Siguldas pilsētas vidusskola
  • Ulbrokas vidusskola

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