Online course
6 week online course for students age 14-20 to learn how to launch your global successful Start-Up. Course language English. Imagine your unicorn, work in teams with students from all over the world, prototype, scale and monetize like a pro.

Hands-on session
Discover latest trends in modern digital world and come up with a bright idea for your unicorn. Learn to prototype, scale and monetize your idea with teammates from all over the world with Datorium. This course is part of EU Digital Education Accelerator Hub testing phase.

Who can apply
For this course students can apply only in batches together with their teacher (no individual applications to be accepted). After the course students and their teacher will be required to fill in questions about their experience during the learning process within the course.

February 8 – March 15 2023. Every Wednesday 17:00 CET time, save this time slot in your calendar for colorful rainbow unicorn adventure!
We will meet online in Zoom once a week, but we will stay in touch 24/7 in our Discord server. You will receive Discord invite link, after your application will be confirmed. For 6 weeks we will work in teams to unlock the power of collaboration and generate creative ideas scalable for digital products. Get ready!
How to apply?
Only teachers can submit applications for their student batch.
Please fill in the form until 30 January 2023 to apply.
Student number in the batch is not limited. Teacher will be responsible for coordination of student group in order to assist them with registration. Please notice, that students need high proficiency of spoken and written English language skills in order to participate, because students will be asked to work in groups in international teams.
For more questions
please contact
Angela Jafarova

This course is executed as a part of the EU Digital Educational Accelerator program.