Opportunity for girls aged 14-19 learn Python programming language

European coding school Datorium, in collaboration with IT company Tietoevry – invites every girl age 14-20 to try coding and  discover that it can be very interesting, creative and fun. We are announcing application for Python programming course PyGirls. The course is specifically designed to support girls in learning digital skills and coding in a friendly #girlsonly environment.

“Nowadays, coding becomes an essential skill and it’s definitely not only for men. ICT field needs more girls!” says Angela Jafarova, co-founder of Datorium. “We have created a unique online coding course, PyGirls, only for girls aged 14-19 years. During 4 months, girls will learn Python, one of the most popular programming languages, and create their first apps. In addition to coding skills, girls will improve their logical thinking and work with modern digital tools, in order to, effectively collaborate in the development of their projects and work remotely in teams. Furthermore, the tutor of the course is also a woman to make girls feel completely free and not be afraid to ask even a simple question.”

“I believe every girl can code! I have been PyGirls tutor for 3 years and every year I receive messages form my girl students saying, OMG if I knew coding can be so much fun and so interesting, I would have tried before! Together we can change stereotypes, that coding is something very complicated and boring. Nowadays basic digital and coding skill are must-have for every girl, if she wants to run her own business, work in modern international company or have successful career in any field.” says Luīze Kadakovska, Datorium tutor (see photo).

The course fee is only 9 euros per month (36 euros for a 4-month course). Girls from Latvia from the social risk groups (low-income families, orphans, 3+ kids families, and girls from regions/small towns) can apply for scholarships provided by Datorium and Tietoevry, which will cover full tuition fee.

We have supported PyGirls course for two years and we are happy to continue this collaboration with Datorium. We believe that the ICT industry is a powerful place, where many girls and women can fulfill their potential by developing new technological solutions. Currently, in Europe, only 20% of employees in the ICT sector are women, thereof, we want to help girls to take their first steps into the world of digital skills and coding and encourage them to build their careers in IT fields.” says Marta Medne – Global Employer Branding specialist at Tietoevry.

You can apply for the course until February 7 here: https://link.datorium.eu/pygirls-2023 

Coding lessons will be held online once a week on Saturdays, 11.00-12.30 (GMT+2). Girls need a computer and secure internet connection to participate in the course. Lessons will start in the first half of February and will be held in English.

Participants of the PyGirls course will join Datorium Discord server community, which currently gathers together more than 7,500 young people with an interest in coding and technologies, offering them interesting discussions, free events, chance to find their first internship or job, as well as many other exciting opportunities.

The initiative is supported by the information and communication company Tietoevry.

Tietoevry is one of the leading information technology companies in the Baltics with a large team, consisting of more than 1,000 specialists, specializing in the development of various information systems.

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